15 Minutes

The beginning of the simulation outlines the premise.

The simulation begins, and you have various options you can choose, all of which impact your fame, money, and/or energy in some way. The goal is to eventually record enough songs to put out an album.

Based on your attributes at the end of the simulation, you encounter one of several fates. In this instance, your fame piqued the interest of aliens, who promptly abducted you.

The beginning of the simulation outlines the premise.
Tools: HTML/CSS, PHP, JavaScript
Skills: Game design, website design and coding, presentation
15 Minutes is a 2-part interactive simulation based on trying to become a famous musician. You first focus on playing shows to get money so you can record songs for your album. You then tour across the country. Throughout the simulation, you are required to make decisions that affect your musical career in terms of attributes such as fame and money. Additionally, there are some probabilistic events (such as your equipment getting stolen) that affect your ability to "make it big". At the end of the simulation, you will end up with a certain amount of money and fame, and the fate of your musical career will be revealed to you.
Check out the demo below!
I have both academic and professional experience in user research and usability testing, and I am meticulous and purposeful with my designs. But don't take my word for it. Click around. There's lots to see.